1/4/2017 PA’s Lounge

Start the year off right with a nice little show put on by WEMF! Wednesdays at PA’s are one of the rare chances we as songwriters have to play solo, be experimental, and to meet other local songwriters.

Join us for the laid back, acoustic sing-alongs of Henry Glitter; original folk-pop of Amanda Picciche (In Ivy); alt-country inspired, confessional music of Poor Eliza; songs of biting commentary and satire by Will Roos; and original blues rock by touring songwriter Zeke Duckworthy, who is promoting his full-length album “Bad Road Trip.”

WEMF is one of the few artistic organizations that will book a night like this, and I’m so grateful. Many thanks to Heather Timmons for booking me! Now….what kind of weirdness will we have ready for you?

8:30-9:05  Henry Gitter
9:15-9:50 Jane Park of (Poor Eliza)
10:00-10:35  Amanda Picciche
10:45-11:20  Will Roos
11:30-12:05 Zeke Duckworthy

8 pm doors
$7 at the door

10/19 Out of the Blue Too in Cambridge

Dear Friends, I’m so happy to be sharing the stage with two New  York acts: Phoebe Heretz and Dylan DeBiase. They are currently on tour, and killing it out there in the world. So come by the Out of the Blue Too Gallery in Cambridge between 7:30-10pm. There is no beer or liquor at the Out of the Blue. But the entrance is handicap accessible, and often times the owner’s dog is there.

dagmar Phoebe Heretz from Dagmar.dylandebiase Dylan DeBiase.

Continue reading “10/19 Out of the Blue Too in Cambridge”

6/11 Arlington Porchfest


I’m so excited to be a part of the first Arlington Porchfest this year! Please join me at 11 Fremont St, around 2pm. I’ll be sharing a porch with Ginger Ibex and the Ladies Accordian Orchestra!