1/4/2017 PA’s Lounge

Start the year off right with a nice little show put on by WEMF! Wednesdays at PA’s are one of the rare chances we as songwriters have to play solo, be experimental, and to meet other local songwriters.

Join us for the laid back, acoustic sing-alongs of Henry Glitter; original folk-pop of Amanda Picciche (In Ivy); alt-country inspired, confessional music of Poor Eliza; songs of biting commentary and satire by Will Roos; and original blues rock by touring songwriter Zeke Duckworthy, who is promoting his full-length album “Bad Road Trip.”

WEMF is one of the few artistic organizations that will book a night like this, and I’m so grateful. Many thanks to Heather Timmons for booking me! Now….what kind of weirdness will we have ready for you?

8:30-9:05  Henry Gitter
9:15-9:50 Jane Park of (Poor Eliza)
10:00-10:35  Amanda Picciche
10:45-11:20  Will Roos
11:30-12:05 Zeke Duckworthy

8 pm doors
$7 at the door

2/23/2017 Octopus Literary Salon

This Poor Eliza’s first show in California! Just a short 6 hour plane ride away from Boston, the Octopus Literary Salon in Oakland, CA houses all manner of get togethers, like book discussions, poetry readings, and live music of all genres. This show was booked with the gracious help of Emily Zismen, folk songwriter and jazz vocalist, and Karlyn DeSteno, singer/songwriter poet and folk guitarist. Songwriter communities are the best, and Emily and Karlyn prove no different. Please come! $5 cover.
Continue reading “2/23/2017 Octopus Literary Salon”

10/19 Out of the Blue Too in Cambridge

Dear Friends, I’m so happy to be sharing the stage with two New  York acts: Phoebe Heretz and Dylan DeBiase. They are currently on tour, and killing it out there in the world. So come by the Out of the Blue Too Gallery in Cambridge between 7:30-10pm. There is no beer or liquor at the Out of the Blue. But the entrance is handicap accessible, and often times the owner’s dog is there.

dagmar Phoebe Heretz from Dagmar.dylandebiase Dylan DeBiase.

Continue reading “10/19 Out of the Blue Too in Cambridge”

9/29 Rattlestick Playwrights Theatre in NYC


10.00 tix with code EST10. To purchase click HERE.

Press Release:

$15/ticket, money goes to the artists to keep making their unexpected and surprising performances
A few words about the featured talented by Diana:  Mister Clown aka Mike Smith Rivera: He’s a COC! A clown of color…Oh my. A friendship forged through EST and curating their monthly late-night mix-tape aka Last Call–he’s the emcee, actor, sketch comedian, ARTISTE with the mostest–clever, unexpected, FUN, surprising, heart of gold. All the things that we want in a human being. I often see him riding around town wearing his clown nose. Because he studied at Le Coq–and he’s legit like that. There’s never knowing what the hell he’s going to do on stage and that’s why he’s my favorite.  BABY NO MORE TIMES is a feminist pop concert, complete with dance moves, four part harmonies, everything we love about Britney but we sing about like breaking the fourth wall and shit. It’s written by Mary Birnbaum, Melissa Lusk, and Caroline McGraw and features Rachel Flynn, Melissa Lusk, Lauren Jackson Oddo, and Diana Oh.  JANE PARK –Oh NYC, YOU AREN’T EVEN READY FOR JANE PARK. I first met Jane and all her glory when we played All Together Now in Boston.  Comparing her to Jeff Buckley is reductive. Buuuuuuuut just to let you know how deeply and profoundly she touches, thrills, and moves me, Jane Park and Jeff Buckley can hold hands walking through a park, and no one would question it.   BOB JAFFE— a human rights advocate, an artist, actor, writer and philanthropist and HE’S THE BEST GD HARMONICA PLAYER I HAVE EVER GD SEEN. Watching him play harmonica is like watching angels sing.   And then there’s DIANA OH – Well I am who I am and you are who you are.   And maybe I’ll sing. And maybe I won’t. And maybe I’ll do whatever the hell I want because I’m turning 30 on September 29. And you are all responsible for that. And well let’s convene, and get the fuck outta the city for awhile and into the dark, loving, radical hotbed of dreams also known as Rattlestick–let’s make some fucking dreams happen, comrades. 

11/03 Thunder Road

Dear Friends,

Please join me for a great bill of local songwriters at Thunder Road, 6-8:30 pm to see Poor Eliza, Victoria Rios, Jocelyn Limmer, and Small City Mayor for $10. Thunder Road opens at 5pm and serves a full menu of great food and drink! Purchase tickets HERE.

thunderroad Victoria Rios

frankensmallcitymayor Small City Mayorjocelyn-artist-photoJocelyn LimmerpoorelizaPoor Eliza


Press Release (Long Form):

On Thursday, November 3 at 6:00-8:30 PM, Thunder Road (375 Somerville Ave in Somerville) hosts local songwriters Poor Eliza, Victoria Rios, Jocelyn Limmer, and Small City Mayor. Thunder Road is the new rock venue in Union Square and is handicap accessible with a single occupancy bathroom on the entry level. The doors and kitchen open at 5pm and tickets are $10. Purchase tickets here: http://ow.ly/6NfB304AvzV

Small City Mayor is the new indie rock project of Bredon Jones and Miriam Keller (formerly of Last to Show First to Go). Layering electric guitars & ukulele, trumpet, and harmonized vocals, they build beautiful and often haunting songs of politics, protest, and culture wars.

Jocelyn Limmer has been a songwriter for thirteen years and a *mostly* recovering perfectionist for five. Says Jocelyn,” For me, music is all about embracing uncomfortable emotions or life situations—on good days, with a sense of humor. Some of my favorite artists are Elliott Smith, Amanda Palmer and old-school Sia. (Also, if you haven’t listened to Mary Lambert, you should probably go do that right now!).”

Victoria Rios is a singer-songwriter born and raised in the wild west of  San Francisco California, and a descendent of a world renowned Romani (Gypsy) Flamenco family (great-niece of Diego del Gastor, the daughter of Agustin Rios de Morón, and a relative of many other notable Flamenco artists). Treading these two worlds, her own unique style emerged. Distinctly Romani and  distinctly San Franciscan, her songs are made out of sparkling, finger-picking guitar,  soulful and powerful vocals, insightful lyrics, and Flamenco’s  commitment to honoring stark vulnerability and pure unfiltered feeling.

Poor Eliza (formerly Bitch Trifecta) is Jane Park’s singer/songwriting project. “The first time I heard Elliott Smith’s “Waltz #2 (XO), I had to learn how to play the guitar. These past eight years of songwriting have been a roller coaster of finding my voice and practicing the guitar. I try to be a little wreckless when I perform, but I also love the quiet moments. I hope it makes the audience feel like we’re in this together.”

9/4 Aeronaut Brewery

aeronaut BYOP

Please join me and some friends for a great day of folk and Americana at the Aernonaut Brewery in Somerville, MA! Thanks to Liz Anaya for letting me book the day!

2:00 PM Poor Eliza/Jane (Songwriter Folk)
3:00 PM Eric Landers (Americana Songwriter)
4:00 PM TBA/Jam
5:00 PM Ralph and Dean (Bulgarian Folk)
6:00 PM Poor Eliza/Jam

The goal of BYOP (Bring Your Own Picnic!) Sundays is to open up stage space & sunday audiences for 6 continuous hours to the broadest possible community of players. hosting people and groups grab days on on those days, curate live sessions switching between traditional bands and open jams. Bring out a picnic and listen, or grab your banjo & join in!

Join the community here: AERONAUT BYOP: Picknickers & Players


Eric Landers 

9/06 Bent Water Open Mic


I’ll be the featured artist at the new Bent Water Open Mic on September 6th!

Join us at Bent Water Brewing company, 180 Commercial St. in Lynn, every Tuesday evening from 5:30 to 8:30. Drink a fantastic beer and perform. Musicians, poets, comedians, storytellers, magicians, jugglers, dancers, and scientists are all welcome. Hosted by Jeff Savlon.